by: JESUS V. SISON, PTRP, CRFV Deputy National Director January is drawing to a close, but the message and promises for 2024 still stand. The high hopes and coruscating assurance of a blessed year abide. There is a solid confidence to see the fulfillment of every augured word proclaimed for us by The True and Almighty God. As the soul prospers, so will we flourish in all things. Thus, it is a year of supernatural abundance and exceptional prosperity in our lives. We are destined for extraordinary protection, progress, and provision. It will be an action-packed year, for we are destined only to experience the goodness and faithfulness of The Everlasting God. Dovetailed with God by the Spirit, we have access to every good and perfect gift from above. Spirituality is the way of the Spirit that spiritual people live.
Spiritual people live spirituality. There are a lot of notions that spiritual people are limited to those who serve as leaders of religious sects or denominations. Others consider only those who are so committed to a religious group. Devotees, if we may refer to them. But anybody and everyone has the right to become spiritual men and women. As for among us, being Public employees, we are spiritual people too. As we are called "public servants" who have a heart to inspire and affect the community, we are characterized by genuine concern and selflessness to serve others. Beholden to our commitment to public welfare, spirituality is as essential as exemplifying other values. We must practice it in public service as we exercise it in our private lives as an occupation. The root word of spirituality is spirit; spirit was derived from the Latin spīritus, whose original meaning was "breath, breathing" and hence "spirit, soul, courage, vigor. Thus, spirituality entails attaching life and "meaning" to the work being done[W1] in the workplace. It inspires us to connect to the Being higher than us- Our Almighty God. Moreover, spirituality can help us connect with our inner motivation and higher purpose. It will aid us in finding meaning in our work. It will revitalize a greater sense of calmness, peacefulness, a healthy mind, and well-being. A sense of well-being among the employees can be influential in developing motivation and improving public service quality. Spirituality in the workplace could also improve communication and build better relationships with co-workers, resulting in increased job satisfaction, productivity, and profitability. The goal of spirituality in the workplace is to create an environment that is accurately connected to God, establishing a culture of positivity and productivity. A spiritually-based workplace can give employees a conscious awareness of family or community, support, and belonging. This leads to improved job gratification, personal fulfillment, and organizational commitment. Agencies and employers also are positioned to benefit from generating spirituality in the workplace or spiritually-filled environment. We acknowledge spirituality as a significant feature of an organizational culture. Offices with spiritually healthy workplaces tend to have lower employee discontent, decreased turnover rates, and minimized absenteeism. Negativity is shut down, and problems are addressed accordingly. Further, employees who feel cared for and supported spiritually are more likely to be life-carriers, creative, and innovative. Above all, spirituality will inspire every employee to embrace a new heart and spirit in their work. There will be a new mindset refocused on bringing glory to God and satisfaction among our clientele. With these, we are positioned to receive the good promises of God that are all yes and amen for 2024 and beyond
1 Comment
1/31/2024 07:17:59 pm
Good do you have a complimentary copy of the book for school use? Thank you po.
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January 2025