The current pandemic situation has tremendously affected everyone in varying degree and has brought a deep sense of uncertainty, confusion and even despair. It has challenged our abilities individually, as a family, an organization, a nation, and even as a global community. We witness various responses. Some managed to rise again after a major blow to their employment, livelihood or businesses. Many are trying to cope one day at a time.
However, there are those who took advantage of the situation. Transparency International reports that there is widespread corruption related to COVID-19 aid in different parts of the world. Some humanitarian aid did not fully reach the target vulnerable population. In the same report, it noted that the weak transparency and accountability mechanism led to enriching the corrupt officials and their allies as the COVID-19 assistance landed in their pockets. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy”. Indeed, in this time of adversity and transition to a better new normal, how we respond to the situation reflects who we are and the principles we uphold. It is time for us to act on our convictions lest we become callous, be taken over by apathy and passivity, and live self-centeredly with seared conscience. Acting on our convictions requires fortitude and commitment to remain grounded on our moral compass so we can never be swayed to simply follow the crowd nor take the easy way out. We stay true to the principles and the non-negotiable standards we strongly hold vital. We remain motivated to stand strong for what is right all the time even when faced with intimidation or persecution. This is what our nation needs now – people who act on their conviction, reject every form of corruption and decline, and advance the agenda of righteousness, peace and justice in the land. With the pressing concerns at hand,we may choose to look the other way but we can never say again that we did not know. We need not look too far. Just simply turn to our left and right and see the plight of the people, our neighborhood, our respective offices as well as the local government where we belong. Are there areas of concern where our conviction is calling for action to make things right and better? The choice to act on our conviction is in our hands. Act now. As we continue to reflect on the value of spirituality (being the 4th public service values espoused by the Civil Service Commission), let us implore the aid of the Almighty God in strengthening our conviction. Having a deep reverence for Him will make us heed to our conviction without delay. Let us act now for there is no other way that will exalt our nation other than the path of righteousness. Righteousness exalts a nation. (AOS, CRFV) It is time for us to act on our convictions lest we become callous, be taken over by apathy and passivity, and live self-centeredly with seared conscience.
"Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?"
Over the years of consciously working out every Filipino value in words and in deed, as well as nurturing our spirituality, the value of charity even up to this day would always lead us to reflect and directly relate it to the virtue of love. In the process, we are reminded of the deeper meaning of love - the level where it involves sacrifice & selflessness; the admonition to love even our enemies.
It is very timely to be tackling the value of charity in these times of pandemic. There are many areas and aspects of our present condition that we can take a look at - common and relatable circumstances where we can assess or even measure our hearts when it comes to practicing the good deeds related to charity. At this point, though we have different economic means and ability to overcome the present pandemic, we are all undeniably subjected to seeing those who are struggling and in need of charity. Being on the same predicament and as Values Restoration Officers, let us see clearly how we’ve been responding and plan how to extend charity in the days to come. We can individually answer the question of how we were & what we did since the pandemic until now; but we can corporately resolve to move together with the same burden, same heart, and the same direction from this point onwards. There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore we are commanded to be openhanded towards our fellowmen who are poor and needy. As VROs, we are ground breakers, we are expected to be the first people to do this, let our light shine, and become role models for others to follow. Remember that charity is measured not only in monetary value of things and that the poor does not only refer to those who are lacking in material possessions. In our nothingness, we can give generously; with kindness we can release hope & encouragement. In short, let us be inspired by our sincere love, this way we will naturally respond to every need surrounding us. Moreover, we are action takers. For what good is kind words without deeds? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? “What should we do then? Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.” The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor. Another thing we must embrace to do is to give indiscriminately. “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you?" It takes a whole lot of unconditional & sacrificial love to do this, but if we are ever wondering how to extend sincere charity, this is the ultimate standard. We are admonished not only to ceremonially give even to our enemies but love them, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting anything in return. Human as we are, this is truly a struggle but let us desire to overcome the feeling of distaste & discomfort of giving. Finally, let us find joy in giving. It is a process and it takes consistent effort to discover this joy in our hearts, but let us do it. A famous quotation says, “Give until it feels good.” Giving must not be reluctant or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. Let us not withhold good from those whom it is due, when it is in our power to act. This way, the ‘secret’ door to abundance and continuous supply remains open for us. In all things at all times, we shall have all that we need, we will abound in every good work. We will be enriched in every way so that we can be generous on every occasion resulting in thanksgiving to God. (KMB, CRFV) Spirituality is simply manifesting our inner being. According to scholars, we are composed of three (3) elements: body, soul, and spirit. Our physical body is the outer covering which, according to science, has the same composition as the soil. This finding supports the Biblical writing that we were created from the dust of the ground. Our soul, on the other hand, consists of the mind, will, and emotion. It usually comprises our personality as formed by the way we think, act on our decision, and react to situations. Last is our spirit which is believed to be either an old spirit or a new spirit. Old spirit is when sin thrives and we never allow ourselves to be changed internally; whereas, a new spirit is when we have renewed our relationship with our Creator by making Him the ruler of our lives, thereby, giving us a new and transformed life. The new spirit is what others call as the recreated spirit where sin nature is done away with.
Looking inwardly, the value of spirituality gives us the ability to walk in righteousness as our new spirit is divine. It serves as the foundation for holy living. At this state, the sin habits were dealt with internally. It is only when our soul and body opens up for evil desires that we go back to sinful lifestyle. It is vital therefor to uplift and nurture our spirit in order to remain upright. Our spirit must be strong enough to subdue the dictates of our soul and body. Accordingly, if our spirit is weak, we keep going back to our old, wicked ways with less chances to arrest them. Our pursuit for godliness is hampered and overridden by our depraved inclinations. Outwardly, spirituality plays a vital role in our attempt to realize good governance in the country. Based on countless testimonies, it was revealed that those who are spiritual have greater chances to resist temptation coupled with the courage to stand for integrity at all cost. The Civil Service Commission finds this essential and needful. They enforced spirituality as one of the core values that all civil servants must observe. According to them, strengthening our spirituality is the way by which we can change our heart and thought pattern. They believed that when our heart is changed, everything changes – thought pattern, attitude, priorities, character or behavior, and conversation or communication. Consequently, a changed life will eventually result to a changed family, society, and nation. It is also worth emphasizing that spirituality is not the same as religiosity. It is not the observance of religious rites or obligations. Being devout to religious vows is not an assurance of spirituality though it can be the fruit thereof. Only when we resolve to live a godly life that we can be spiritual. It should be our ultimate goal during this time of adversity. It should not be a traditional resolution but a sincere and unwavering commitment for total reformation. (NAS, CRFV) The Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), through the leadership of Undersecretary Jonathan Malaya, initiated a campaign for the promotion and observance of discipline among the entire citizenry called “Disiplina Muna”. The campaign was first introduced to representatives of various agencies, business sector, non-government, and civil society organizations. The Council for the Restoration of Filipino Values (CRFV) was invited to attend the meeting on October 24, 2019 at DILG Central Office. One of its officers present in the meeting was able to share some thoughts on how to effectively rally the program given the existing administrative requirements attached to it.
The meeting was followed by a grand launching conducted at the City Hall of Manila on November 6, 2019 which was attended by several dignitaries, members of Manila City officialdom, and high ranking officials of DILG. Manila City Mayor Francisco “Isko” Moreno Domagoso, being the host, gave his welcome remarks to all guests and visitors succeeded by inspirational messages from “Disiplina Muna” Ambassadors. CRFV was given the privilege to represent the entire body of non-government organizations (NGOs) in the Philippines in such momentous occasion and was given the opportunity to rally all NGOs to support the program. The grand launching in Manila signaled a wide-scale precedent to all DILG Regional and Field Offices. On July 24, 2020, the DILG Cordillera also hosted a grand launching at Baguio Country Club amidst of the pandemic where CRFV was again invited to speak a campaign message on the value of discipline in behalf of the members of the private sector. The event was attended by representatives of the local and national government agencies. The regional grand launching in the Cordillera prompted the city government of Baguio to hold a kick-off program last July 27, 2020. Baguio City Mayor Benjamin B. Magalong was recognized as the “Disiplina Muna Champion” during the program. Others gave their message of support such as DILG Regional Director Marlo L. Iringan and Baguio City Congressman Marquez O. Go. CRFV, in part, gave its commitment to do plans of action in order to enhance discipline among members of the private sector as its contribution to the efforts of the government in instilling discipline as the foundation to nation building. There were eight (8) points that CRFV committed to implement which were greatly appreciated by the DILG City Director. The Disiplina Muna Campaign is another thrust opened for CRFV to further its cause of restoring values among Filipinos. Being a strong partner of DILG, it has been faithful in fulfilling its pledge of realizing discipline citizenry to this date. Since its participation at the national grand launching in Manila, its officers and members have joined several clean-up drives at major parks and tourist destinations of Baguio. CRFV is also currently involved in making and putting-up signage or visuals communicating the practice of discipline around the City of Baguio to this date. (NAS, CRFV) “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” Wisdom is defined as the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common senseand insight. On one hand, others define it as the capacity of judging rightly in matters relating to life and conduct. It is also defined as the soundness of judgment in the choice of means and ends while some define it as the right use of knowledge. Albert Einstein, one of the best scientists of all time, views wisdom not as a product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it. The Scriptures, on the other side, says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom - the foundation of true wisdom which is first of all pure, then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. How does one get wisdom and what are its manifestations? The Scripture is rich in telling us about wisdom. First, understand God’s will. When we understand what the will of the Lord is and please God, wisdom is abounding. We cannot understand what the Lord’s will is if we have not searched God’s precepts and ways throughout time and throughout the history of men. We can understand God’s will when the Word dwell in us richly by reading, hearing, and applying what we have seen and heard. Second, walk with the wise because whoever walks with the wise becomes wise. Acquire wisdom when we listen to their sound advice and accept their instruction. Remember that the wise of heart will receive commandments, and a wise person hears his father's instruction. Third, be watchful on how we live our lives. If one is wise and understands God’s ways, we can see it by his/her honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. As it is written,pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. One who is wise is prudent to discern his/her way, and he/she pays careful attention to how he/she walks, and turns away from evil - in thoughts, words, and in deeds. The heart of the wise makes his/her mouth prudent, and his/her lips promote instruction. Being one with knowledge, he/she restrains his words, and as a person of understanding, he/she maintains a calm spirit. During these times, how can we apply the value of wisdom? It has been said that wisdom preserves the life of him/her who has it. Nowadays, many are struggling in their everyday life as they are feeling the effects of the pandemic - some have lost their jobs, some feel restrained because of the quarantine, while some fear the uncertainties it might cause. This is the time that we have to, all the more, seek wisdom. We have known many stories in the news where people who have lost their jobs found a way to generate, if not multiply, their wealth through service or by making products by cooking, baking, painting, gardening, and others. God gives us the ability to make wealth using our skills, talents, creativity, and inventiveness. If we make use of our time wisely and use it as an opportunity to learn and further enhance our abilities, we cannot be defeated by the depression the pandemic might cause. Let us also have the wisdom to guard and take care of our bodies by following the health protocols, making ourselves clean and healthy both inwardly and outwardly. How do we respond? Everyday, we may be bombarded by circumstances but the true test of wisdom lies on how we respond. He who is wise, hear what the Scripture says:If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. (CGLG, CRFV)
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CRFV Winning TeamA company of men and women who have committed their lives to the cause of national transformation. Archives
January 2025