One striking scene in a 2015 movie “Do You Believe?” where an old couple was having an emotional conversation. The wife asked her husband, “Where was God when we lost Cathleen?” They lost their one and only daughter years ago in a car accident caused by a drunk driver. For many years the couple was not able to move on from their loss. This paralyzed them from moving forward and allowed grief and disbelief to rule over them for years. In this scenario, they are facing the moment of truth to decide to believe again, let go of the pain of grief and let God take over.
The ongoing battle against this pandemic is getting so much intense that there is an increased rate of morbidity, mortality, suicide, and unemployment all over. We also find health workers and other front liners express their exhaustion due to surging number of COVID 19 cases in our nation. It is indeed another year of battle against this unseen enemy where we need to be stronger and firmer to what we believe to survive. When everything is out of our control, when everyone is under panic and exhaustion; when we ourselves suffer and are being affected by this ongoing battle, will we still believe or will we question like the wife asked? “Where is God?” Are we going to stop and give up? Our faith in ourselves, to others and to God determines the outcome of this worldwide battle. Will we lose or are we going to win? Going back to the movie stated above, the husband answered his wife, “I will tell you where God was. He was asking that driver not to take another drink, begged the bar tender not to serve it to him, He is hoping that the driver would call the cab and do anything for him not to get behind that wheel but it was all over and He cried just like we did….belief is an action- it’s time for us to act, we got to get back up and start living again. I wanna do more with this time I’ve got…” We might think that we are in the losing side in this battle because our unbelief blinds us from seeing God move in our midst. Our unbelief takes us away from our miracle. The author of Hebrews says that faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. It is also defined as complete trust or confidence in someone or something. This situation where we are right now calls us back to have faith – to believe in ourselves, to believe in people and most specially, believe in the Sovereign God, whose ways are higher than our ways, whose thoughts are higher than our thoughts and whose plans are higher than our plans. This pandemic and its effect should not be the reason to stop us from believing. It should be the driving force that will strengthen our grip to ourselves, to others and to God. This is not the time for us to give up! It is the time for us to believe that we will overcome this crisis, as the common saying says, “This too shall pass.” Faith will always remind us that we are not alone in this battle. We have God whispering: "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you. Never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you." (MAT, CRFV)
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CRFV Winning TeamA company of men and women who have committed their lives to the cause of national transformation. Archives
January 2025